Sep 6, 2024

Media Contact:
Jeff Hutt
Make America Healthy Again PAC

2024 Elections

Ex-RFK Jr. staffers pop up super PAC to back Trump in swing states

The independent candidate ended his bid to back the former president.

By Brittany Gibson

09/06/2024 05:21 PM EDT

Former staffers for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s now-suspended presidential campaign have launched a super PAC to convince Kennedy supporters to back Donald Trump.

About one dozen ex-staffers are behind the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) PAC, Jeff Hutt, a spokesperson for the PAC, told POLITICO. The group includes many members of the independent campaign’s former field team, he said.

When Kennedy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump at the end of August, he encouraged his supporters to still vote for him if they did not live in a swing state. But on Thursday, Kennedy wrote in a message to his campaign’s email list, “No matter what state you live in, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump.”

The PAC plans to add grassroots support to Kennedy’s new directive.

“This is what we need to do to get Mr. Kennedy over the finish line and to go and do this with the same energy that our volunteers and supporters were using to get Mr. Kennedy in the White House,” said Hutt, who was also Kennedy’s national field director. “Now they need to take that energy and refocus it into getting Mr. Kennedy a seat at the table at the White House with a unity ticket with Donald Trump.” 

The PAC plans to focus on voters both in swing states where Kennedy is unable to get his name off the ballot — legal challenges are ongoing — and blue states where it believes it has significant enough volunteers and polling support to help Trump. Virginia and New Hampshire are top targets.

The PAC’s president is Jared Volz, who was also a national field director with the campaign for most of 2023 through the beginning of this year.

Hutt said the PAC is a “labor of love” dedicated to engaging voters at the grassroots level who need convincing to back Trump, but MAHA also hopes to raise enough money for a media buy in key states.

Nicole Shanahan, who was Kennedy’s running mate and principal financial backer during his run, has not been solicited for a donation, he said.

When Kennedy suspended his campaign, his national polling average was about 5 percent and declining. But the presidential election is shaping up to be narrowly divided in swing states, and the ability to convince even a fraction of Kennedy’s supporters to vote for Trump could be decisive.

”As you know, this could be a very close election. A disputed election result would be a disaster for our divided nation,” Kennedy wrote. “President Trump needs to win in a landslide both in the Electoral College and the popular vote. He can’t do it unless my supporters join him and look at the big picture.”

Make America Healthy Again PAC will file its first financial disclosure report on Oct. 15.

Sep 4, 2024

Media Contact:
Jeff Hutt
Make America Healthy Again PAC

Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Super PAC Launches with RFK Jr. Endorsement of Donald Trump

Today marks the official launch of the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Super PAC (, a powerful new political action committee dedicated to advancing the health-focused policies championed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) through the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.

RFK Jr., known for his commitment to public health, environmental sustainability, and government transparency, recently endorsed President Trump during a rally in Arizona, signaling a major shift in the 2024 election landscape. The MAHA Super PAC, composed of a dozen senior staffers who served Kennedy’s campaign in roles like national, regional, and state directors, is uniquely positioned to rally RFK Jr.'s supporters nationwide, especially in key swing states, to ensure Mr. Trump's victory in November.

“President Trump has shown that he can stand up to the corporate interests that have poisoned our environment and compromised our health,” RFK Jr. stated at the Arizona rally. “He is the leader we need to take on the establishment and put America back on the path to health and freedom.”

A Powerful Alliance for Health and Freedom

The MAHA Super PAC is not just another political initiative—it’s a movement aimed at reclaiming the health, freedom, and environmental integrity of the United States. By aligning RFK Jr.'s transformative policies with Trump's proven leadership, MAHA seeks to create a powerful alliance that places public health and environmental protection at the forefront of national governance.

“Trump is the only candidate who can break the stranglehold that corporate elites have on our government,” RFK Jr. emphasized. “Together, we can restore the health and freedom of the American people.”

Key Policy Focus Areas

MAHA will focus on advancing several critical policy areas, including:

  • Combating the Chronic Disease Epidemic

  • Advocating for Regenerative Agriculture

  • Preserving Natural Habitats

  • Dismantling Corporate Corruption and Agency Capture

Growing Support from RFK Jr. Advocates

Since its launch, MAHA has seen growing support from RFK Jr.’s advocates across the country. Kennedy supporters in states from Michigan to Florida have already contributed to the PAC, demonstrating widespread enthusiasm for this mission to advance RFK Jr.’s policies through Trump’s leadership.

"The momentum we’re seeing from RFK Jr.’s supporters has been absolutely phenomenal," said Jeff Hutt, Outreach Director for the MAHA Super PAC. "Our team, made up of former senior Kennedy campaign officials, is uniquely positioned to ensure that RFK Jr.’s supporters understand that his vision for a healthier, freer America will be best realized through electing President Trump. We’re ready to bring this movement to every corner of the country."

Hutt continued, “The MAHA Super PAC is essentially a machine we’ve built to turn contributions into powerful messages that resonate with RFK Jr.'s supporters. Our goal is to ensure that as many of them as possible vote for Trump, helping to win the election and bring RFK Jr.'s policies to the forefront of national governance."

Fundraising and Support

To achieve its ambitious goals, the MAHA Super PAC is launching a nationwide fundraising campaign with a target of raising $3.5 million by Election Day 2024. These funds will be crucial in mobilizing voters and ensuring that RFK Jr.’s vision for a healthier, freer America is realized through Trump’s leadership.

"Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact on our ability to educate, mobilize, and inspire voters across the nation," Hutt emphasized. 

"This is a grassroots movement, and we need the support of every American who believes in ending the chronic health epidemic that is plaguing our country,” Hutt explained. “It’s like Mr. Kennedy said, ‘the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other.’"

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